Opening the heart, turning toward life.
Guided Journeys
Somatic Counseling
Spiritual Direction
In my life, I have recognized immense benefit by consciously extending myself beyond what is comfortable.
By choosing to encounter all that within me is unknown—fear, grief, and death; silence, ecstasy, and unity—I have uncovered a peace inside myself that seems to deepen my capacity to be with all the uncertainties of what it means to be human. Feeding this inquiry has allowed me to meet suffering with more kindness toward myself and others.
It is my work and my honor to support others in finding stillness within themselves.
It exists, and there is a path toward it.
What I Offer
There are two essential avenues I have benefited from in the process of opening my heart in this way.
Authentic, caring relationships.
Sacred ceremony.
To that end, I offer guided journeys and ongoing support to people who are walking a similar path of turning towards life. To do so fully is a terrifying and audacious decision, and it's one that I profoundly respect.
I have studied somatic therapy (Hakomi), coaching, philosophy, theology, and have received training in a community of ethical, experienced practitioners. My personal practice includes meditation, receiving mentorship, group supervision, therapy, movement through yoga and dance, and ongoing work with my own teachers. The intersection of this education and lived experience is what I offer through my work.
“Although attempting to bring about world peace through the internal transformation of individuals is difficult, it is the only way.”
— Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama